



We need your help.

There are several ways you can help the program. 

A new way to support your SJPD Chaplaincy

SJPOA Member

If you are an SJPOA member, click below for a letter authorizing the SJPOA to deduct your contribution from your paycheck. Contributions will be deducted bi-weekly for active members and monthly for retired members. 

Premier one credit union

If you are a PremierOne Credit Union member, you can have your contribution deduced from your paycheck or Credit Union account. Call or email Jan Foskett at 408-294- 8800 x 117. You will need to sign an authorization card for the automatic deduction to take affect. PremierOne Credit Union, 140 Asbury St. San Jose, CA 95110


You can send a check in any amount (Your donation is fully tax deductible) to: SAN JOSE POLICE CHAPLAINCY P.O. Box 2202, San Jose, CA 95109. Please include a return address so we can send you a receipt.

online donation

You can donate on-line via PayPal. Click below to go to the PayPal website.

To receive a tax receipt, email us at chaplainbryan@gmail.com. PayPal only shows your name and the donation amount. Please include your address in the email for the receipt.

Your financial gift to the chaplaincy is fully tax deductible.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our Tax ID number is 94-2734173.