



We need your help.

There are several ways you can help the program. 

A new way to support your SJPD Chaplaincy

SJPOA Member

If you are an SJPOA member, click below for a letter authorizing the SJPOA to deduct your contribution from your paycheck. Contributions will be deducted bi-weekly for active members and monthly for retired members. 

Premier one credit union

If you are a PremierOne Credit Union member, you can have your contribution deduced from your paycheck or Credit Union account. Call or email Jan Foskett at 408-294- 8800 x 117. You will need to sign an authorization card for the automatic deduction to take affect. PremierOne Credit Union, 140 Asbury St. San Jose, CA 95110


You can send a check in any amount (Your donation is fully tax deductible) to: SAN JOSE POLICE CHAPLAINCY P.O. Box 2202, San Jose, CA 95109. Please include a return address so we can send you a receipt.

online donation

You can donate on-line via PayPal. Click below to go to the PayPal website.

Your financial gift to the chaplaincy is fully tax deductible.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our Tax ID number is 94-2734173.